logo Chaktomuk Fashion Initiative

people following sustainable fashion

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Our mission is to promote sustainable fashion practices in Cambodia and the ASEAN region by training and empowering emerging leaders. Through our fellowship program, we aim to create a network of leaders who will drive innovation, create change, and inspire others to embrace sustainable fashion practices.

Why Sustainable Fashion?

The fashion industry is one of the largest polluting industries in the world, and fast fashion is a major contributor to environmental degradation. By choosing sustainable fashion, we can reduce the negative impact on our planet and promote ethical practices in the industry. Chaktomuk Fashion Initiative is committed to promoting sustainable fashion practices and encouraging consumers to make more conscious choices when it comes to their clothing. By showcasing the creativity and innovation of Cambodian designers in creating sustainable and eco-friendly fashion, we hope to inspire and educate others to adopt more sustainable habits. Join us in our mission to create a better and more sustainable future for the fashion industry and our planet.

Learn more about Sustainable fashion

people using recycled fashion
Fashioning a Sustainable Future Together
Be a part of our Initiative

Join us today in creating a sustainable future through fashion!
You can contribute or join our team via:

Phone: 123-456-789
Email: ChaktomukFashion@gmail.com