logo Chaktomuk Fashion Initiative

contribute used fashion items to our project.

Table of Contents

Our program

We offer a program that provides training in sustainable fashion practices, leadership development, and civic engagement. Our fellows work on community-based projects that aim to create positive social and environmental impact. We also organize workshops, events, and other activities to promote sustainable fashion and raise awareness about its importance.

Get involved

You can be a part of our initiative by donate any unused fashion items that are still in usable conditions to us such as, but not limited to, the items below:

How can you contribute?

You can be a part of our initiative by donate any unused fashion items that are still in usable conditions to us such as, but not limited to, the items below:


T-shirts are versatile and can be transformed into a variety of products such as bags, accessories, and even new shirts. They are also commonly made of cotton, which is a fabric that can be easily recycled.

tshirts hanging on rack


Denim is a durable material that can be repurposed into new clothing items or accessories such as tote bags. It's also a material that takes a long time to decompose in landfills, making it an important item to recycle.

denim pants stacked on each other

Leather accessories

Leather items such as belts, shoes, and bags can be broken down and used in the production of new items. Recycling leather helps reduce the need for new leather production, which can be environmentally damaging.

leather accessories


Jewelry can be dismantled and the individual pieces repurposed into new designs. This helps reduce the need for new resources to be mined and processed for new jewelry.

box of vintage jewelry
Be a part of our Initiative

Join us today in creating a sustainable future through fashion!
You can contribute or join our team via:

Phone: 123-456-789
Email: ChaktomukFashion@gmail.com